Lenin Cat

Workers of the world unite! sleeps 20 hours a day

Workers of the world unite! sleeps 20 hours a day  Lenin Cat

You can not has cheezburger Until all cats can has cheezburger

You can not has cheezburger Until all cats can has cheezburger  Lenin Cat

The goal of Catmunism is upvotes fur everyone!

The goal of Catmunism is upvotes fur everyone!  Lenin Cat

Must crush... Cat-pitalism!

Must crush... Cat-pitalism!  Lenin Cat

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others  Lenin Cat

the meanz of cheezburger production should belong to the kittehs

the meanz of cheezburger production should belong to the kittehs  Lenin Cat

Catmunism is furr all

Catmunism is furr all  Lenin Cat

Business Cat? More like bourgeois cat

Business Cat? More like 
bourgeois cat  Lenin Cat

Four legs good Two legs scratch behind my ears

Four legs good Two legs scratch behind my ears  Lenin Cat

religion? it's the catnip of the purrrrrletariat

religion? it's the catnip
of the purrrrrletariat  Lenin Cat