Angry School Boy

Calls everyone kid on xbox live is younger than everyone

Calls everyone kid on xbox live is younger than everyone  Angry School Boy

They Are Called Poke'mon Not Pokey mans Mom!

They Are Called Poke'mon Not Pokey mans  Mom!  Angry School Boy

That's link, mom zelda's the princess!

That's link, mom zelda's the princess!  Angry School Boy

Why do you knock on the door If you're just going to come in anyways

Why do you knock on the door If you're just going to come in anyways  Angry School Boy

Mom said there would be kids my age there... Never talking to her again

Mom said there would be kids my age there... Never talking to her again  Angry School Boy

They aren't cartoons mom They're rage comics

They aren't cartoons mom They're rage comics  Angry School Boy

How did we lose?! I had 70 kills and was spawn camping them!!

How did we lose?! I had 70 kills and was spawn camping them!!  Angry School Boy

It's not a boner It's my jeans

It's not a boner It's my jeans  Angry School Boy

Dad, just because I hugged her Doesn't mean she's my girlfriend

Dad, just because I hugged her Doesn't mean she's my girlfriend  Angry School Boy

I'm so fucking hungry but i just brushed my teeth

I'm so fucking hungry but i just brushed my teeth  Angry School Boy